The AquaClave RO P5 is a water demineraliser specifically designed to provide high quality water for your steriliser.
Avoid the inefficiency and high costs of purchasing demineralised bottled water. It comes with a 20L storage tank and is capable of producing up to 50 litres a day. Larger storage tanks are available if you wish to upgrade for high water demands.
Please note:
- This system is only suitable for use on potable water supplies from your local water authority. For areas where tank or bore is the source, please consult STS Health.
- Must be installed by a registered plumber – contact STS Health for a recommended plumber, experienced in the installation of AquaClaves.
- The AquaClave requires a standard electrical outlet to plug in to.
- If your desire is to directly connect this pressurised AquaClave water supply to a steriliser, thus ‘fully automating’ to do away with needing to refill the steriliser water bottle, or manual fill – please contact STS Health for steriliser upgrade options to enable this.
Previous code 7AQ-P5 replaced with 7A-P5